Cockie Creek Porphyry Copper Prospect (Greenvale)
• A maiden drilling program at the Cockie Creek Porphyry Prospect was completed during December 2023 and represents the first significant program in more than 30 years and the first to specifically target a porphyry system.
• Highly positive results have been returned from each of the holes, including confirmation:
o that Cockie Creek is a porphyry Cu-Au-Mo system that is potentially of Ordovician age, similar to the Macquarie Arc deposits in NSW;
o that Cu mineralisation is developed over a significantly greater area than historically understood; and
o the porphyry Cu mineralisation is of relatively high grade in porphyry deposit terms with the first hole (CCDD001) returning 71m @ 0.48% Cu and 70ppm Mo from 16m, incl. 31m @ 0.65% Cu and 80ppm Mo from 36m.
• Current Mineral Resource Estimate: 13MT @ 0.42% Cu (0.25% Cu cutoff grade) (JORC 2004), based on strike length of 1.2kms and a maximum depth of 250m.
• Two large, intense IP chargeability targets at depth beneath the defined structurally controlled mineralisation corridor, remain to be investigated by drilling.
Bottletree Copper Prospect (Greenvale)
• The 2023 drilling program, targeting porphyry core(s) and delineating copper mineralisation within two Wall Rock Porphyry Zones was completed during December 2023.
• Due to seasonal field constraints, only holes targeting the main Wall Rock Porphyry Zone were completed.
Steam Engine Gold Project
• A Processing Options Study was progressed with independent consultants.
• Planning of Resource expansion and exploration drilling programs was conducted.
Read the report via this link.