The Lucky Creek Prospect, situated 3km east of the Cockie Creek Copper Deposit, spans a linear zone characterised by anomalous soil concentrations of nickel, cobalt, copper, and zinc.
This zone has shown peak soil values of up to 1220 ppm Ni, 596 ppm Co, 272 ppm Cu, and 192 ppm Zn. In 2018, Superior's Rotary Air Blast (RAB) regolith drilling revealed peak concentrations of 1470 ppm Ni, 1080 ppm Co, and 58 ppm Sc, delineating the anomalous zone's extent to as much as 3.8 kilometres in length.
This area aligns with a linear aerial magnetic feature and is located to the northeast of a high-order VTEM anomaly. Beyond this VTEM anomaly, towards the northeast, historical investigations have been conducted in a ferruginous region, revealing outcropping gossans with anomalous copper and zinc soil values at the Lucky Duck Prospect. The zone of interest that spans from Lucky Creek to Lucky Duck extends over a 12km stretch and falls within the confines of Superior’s tenements.
The prospect zone is possibly underlain by mafic to ultramafic intrusions, which could be conducive to hosting magmatic nickel-copper-cobalt sulphide mineralisation. Plans are in motion to explore these geophysical features further through deeper drilling, as a component of the Company’s Nickel Targeting Strategy.
Through a positive development in 2023, drilling outcomes from Cockie Creek have further substantiated the Greenvale Lucky Creek Corridor as a conserved island arc system. This system is recognised for harbouring a series of porphyry copper-gold mineralisation systems that are regularly interspersed along the belt, underscoring the region’s mineralogical potential and strategic importance in Superior’s exploration endeavours.