• Multi-element soil geochemistry survey from the Bottletree Copper Prospect has highlighted multiple Cu-Au-Mo porphyry targets within and outside a large 1.3 km x 1.0 km interpreted largely buried intrusive complex (defining an “Intrusion Ring” on satellite imagery)
• Cu-Au±Mo anomalism remains open to the west and southwest of the survey grid, significantly expanding the area of potential at Bottletree
• Buried cores of at least three interpreted porphyry intrusions are clearly defined by Cu, Au, silver (Ag) and molybdenum (Mo), with additional porphyry pathfinder element zonation defining the interpreted central porphyry intrusion
• Soil geochemistry clearly distinguishes the copper mineralisation within the IP chargeability target area and 2021 holes BTDD001, BTDD003 and part of BTDD004 as being outside and distal to the interpreted “main” porphyry centre
• Recently received assays from 3rd 2021 drill hole (BTDD004) (to be reported shortly) confirm extensive porphyry Cu mineralisation west of the IP anomaly, further supporting the soil results
• Potentially related, large gold system is geochemically distinguishable in the south eastern part of the survey area and potentially represents an outer-most distal Au zonation ring
• An aggressive drilling program targeting the cores of at least three porphyry intrusions and several large zones of distal copper mineralisation will commence as soon as practicable
Superior Resources Limited (ASX:SPQ) (Superior, the Company) has received assay results from a large multi-element soil geochemistry survey conducted over the Company’s 100%-owned Bottletree Copper Prospect, in north-eastern Queensland.
Significantly, the results have confirmed the Company’s 2021 conclusions by strongly highlighting multiple copper-gold-molybdenum porphyry core targets to the west and southwest of the 2021 area of focus. In addition, porphyry pathfinder elements have defined new targets that extend beyond the survey area, significantly expanding the Prospect’s area of interest to 2.5 km by 2.0 km.
Superior’s Managing Director, Peter Hwang, said:
“This is a significant boost to what is already a robust and very exciting copper project.
“The results not only validate our expectations of a buried mineralised porphyry lying to the west of the IP chargeability anomaly, but they have also highlighted several other unexpected potential porphyry intrusion centres. Of particular note are two new strongly anomalous zones: one about 700m to the southeast of the IP anomaly coinciding with a “very interesting” chargeability feature, as originally described by contract geophysicists whilst conducting the IP survey in 2018; and one extending to and remaining open at the western margin of the Prospect area.
“Further support for a porphyry core being west of the IP anomaly has been confirmed in soon to be released assays from the third hole drilled in 2021, BTDD004, collared 200 metres west of the IP anomaly, which confirms extensive porphyry-style mineralisation west of the anomaly.
“The soils also indicate that the copper mineralisation intersected at the IP anomaly in 2021 is extensively mineralised over a large area, but is distal to and is not the main porphyry mineralisation. This area and several other similar distal copper zones are therefore secondary targets.
“We’re set for an exciting few months ahead of us. We have secured our drilling contractors and subject to the effect of the current weather system and site preparation, we will be commencing an aggressive and large drilling program as soon as practicable. The Bottletree program will be in addition to the Resource expansion program at Steam Engine and programs planned for three other Greenvale porphyry copper-gold prospects.”